Spirit Of Smokie
Spirit of Smokie
Oplev Dean Alan Barton, som er søn af den afdøde forsanger i SMOKIE.
Alan Barton løfter arven efter sin far og optræder med entusiasme, friskhed, totalt engagement og åbenlys kærlighed til musikken, der blev skabt af de europæiske SMOKIE. SPIRIT OF SMOKIE er en førsteklasses musikalsk oplevelse, der genskaber den oprindelige lyd fra 70’ernes store æra.
Det skyldes den autentiske sound blandet sammen med de originale kompositioner som: Living Next Door to Alice – Lay Back In The Arms Of Some-One – I’ll Meet You At Midnight – Mexican Girl – og mange flere.
Siden Smokies gennembrud har gruppen ramt de fleste europæiske hitlister adskillige gange op igennem de sene 70’ere med deres opdaterede versioner af psykedelisk rock. Deres hits inkluderer numre som ‘If You Think You Know How to Love Me’, ‘Don’t Play Your Rock ‘n’ Roll to Me’, ‘It’s Your Life’ og ‘Oh Carol’.
Spirit Of Smokie lægger sig så tæt på Smokie, at man må gnide øjne & ører, for at sikrer sig at dette er en kopi!
SMOKIE stormed the charts worldwide in the 70s with hits like: "Living next door to Alice", "Lay back in the arms of someone" or "Wild Wild Angels"
In 1986, Alan Barton joined at SMOKIE as lead singer, following the leaving of Chris Norman, and shaped the face of this world-class band.
Sadly, after Alan Barton's tragic accidental death in 1995, SMOKIE went silent.
Today, none other than Dean Barton, Alan Barton's son, who has unmistakably inherited his father's raw yet soulful voice, is the frontman of SPIRIT OF SMOKIE.
At his side is a close friend of his father, lead guitarist Andy Whelan, who was a guitarist with Chris Norman for a long time, still works with him today and was involved in many compositions as a band colleague of Alan Barton. The bass is plucked by Graham Kearns, who also toured and recorded with Alan Barton and other bands, including Sisters of Mercy.
SPIRIT OF SMOKIE combine their modern and rocking sound with the unique Smokie sound of the 70s.
With Dean Barton's fascinating voice and charismatic performance and the outstanding quality of his band mates, SPIRIT OF SMOKIE are a first-class live experience - impressive, emotional and stirring.
SMOKIE stormed the charts in the 70s with hits like "If you think you know how to love me", "I'll meet you at midnight", "Lay back in the arms of someone", "Wild Angels" and many more .
With a total of 15 top 20 hits, including "Living next door to Alice", which sold over 30 million copies worldwide and was number 1 in Germany for 9 weeks, they wrote music history.
SAT 16 SEP 2023
Gram Slot, Gram