Bay City Rollers
Bay City Rollers
Om Bay City Rollers
Det skotske poprockband Bay City Rollers er kendt for deres verdensomspændende teen-idol-popularitet i 1970'erne. De er blevet kaldt "tartan-teen-sensationerne fra Edinburgh" og blev i perioden benævnt som "det største band siden Beatles".
The Bay City Rollers har solgt 300 millioner plader verden over, hvilket har gjort dem til én af de bedst sælgende artister i musikhistorie.
De var engang det største boyband i verden. Netop da Beatlemania feberen var overstået, blev der født nye superstjerner i "Rollermania". I midten af 1970'erne fangede det skotske band Bay City Rollers en hel generations hjerter.
I dag, et halvt århundrede efter bandets dannelse, og efter forsanger Les McKeowns død i 2018, er Rollers tilbage med original BCR-legenden Stuart "Woody" Wood i front og han lader lader, sammen med sanger Ian Thomson, bassist Marcus Cordock og Jamie McGrory på trommer, klassikere som "Give a little love", "Bye Bye Baby" eller "Saturday Night" skinne i et nyt, musikalsk lys. Ikke længere Yesterday´s Heroes - Bay City Rollers er tilbage og Tartan-fans har fået deres helte tilbage.
Tag rejsen tilbage til de sorgløse dage i 70erne da det skotske boy band regerede på hitlisterne. Med et salg på mere end 300 millioner albums verden over, tiltrak BCR fans i alle aldre og fænomenet Rollermania strøg kloden rundt.
Tartan fans in UK og andre dele af Europa blev snart efter fulgt af tilhængere i Australien, Canada, USA og Japan.
About Bay City Rollers
Journey back in time to those carefree days of the 70’s when Scotland’s original boy band ruled the charts. Selling over 300 million albums worldwide, the Bay City Rollers attracted fans of all ages and a phenomenon known as Rollermania swept across the globe.
Tartan clad fans in the UK and other parts of Europe were soon joined by throngs of devoted fans in Australia, Canada, USA and Japan.
Now, Bay City Roller legend, Stuart “Woody” Wood, has brought together a powerful group of talented musicians who embody the same essence of the original band that the world knew and loved. Backed by incredible musical resumes, this group has taken what it means to be a Bay City Roller to heart and their excitement is infectious.
The Bay City Rollers have been re-born with Ian Thomson on lead vocals and guitar, Marcus Cordock on bass guitar, Jamie McGrory on drums and Woody on guitar.
The BCR song Don’t Let The Music Die has echoed through time and the call is being answered. With Woody leading the charge, The Bay City Rollers will be bringing their fresh energy and enthusiasm to the stage to breathe new life into the classic hits for fans around the world once again. No longer Yesterday’s Heroes, The Bay City Rollers are back, they are touring and will be turning the whole world tartan!
SAT 01 APR 2023
SUN 02 APR 2023
SAT 12 Aug 2023
Fuglsøcentret, Knebel
Docken, Nordhavn CPH
Nostalgigestival, Holstebro